Hope Warriors Dharma Talk

What is the Mission of your Life?

“…..You might not notice that so much energy is supporting you and the whole universe is responding depending on what energy you send, what mind you have, what image you have, what words you say to yourself. Every  moment the whole universe is responding to your field, that which is around  you, and the Great Spirit, which is always supporting you, is fully caring and  wishing for your positive future. Why won’t you sense this by stop being busy. The busyness of your mind which is worrying about the future. Instead  of worrying about the future, why won’t you sense the energy of the warmth  of the Great Spirit which is beside you as the hidden shadow of your  existence. 

The Great Spirit is always silently whispering to you that there is no need  to worry. Just give up to the warmth of the energy of the Great Spirit, Great  Love. All you need to do is to open up your sensitivity to the field of  emptiness which is beyond the duality of the border of yourself and  others.The Great Spirit is always whispering to you as the beloved child. All  you need is to sense the peaceful energy which is trying to surround you. All  you need is to sense that you are embraced by the warmth of the Great Love, of the Great Spirit of the Universe which is always beside you and  supporting you so that you will be surrounded with happiness and love. …….”

Please listen to the full talk below. Thank you

“What Is the Mission of your Life”

Hope Warriors Dharma Talk

The Radiance of the True Heart

(Beyond Religion)

“The universe or the essence of existence, is the infinite spiritual  development. But what is the meaning of spiritual development? What is the meaning of development? Development means that the potential  springs out from the source of the universe and infinite development  means that every moment, moment to moment destroying the situation of the phenomenon and the new brightness of the heart springs out moment to moment. 

The whole universe itself is infinite spiritual development but this is very  different from the common sense of human society. Human society  forces people to have the illusion that the continuation of “as before” is the peace but actually the universe is only existing as the duality, which  means that either development or going down exists, positive or negative. 

It is only one way or the other, which means that if things have not developed but kept as was before, then spiritually it is going down.  Most people are not aware of this and they try to follow the common  sense of our human society…”

Please listen to the full talk below. Thank you

“The Radiance of the True Heart”

Hope Warriors Dharma Talk

Magic Tricks of the Universe

… trying to keep one’s security is the worst way of living. So many people are trapped into the materialistic world and also the fear of living. Life based on the physical body, on materials, means that it is based on fear and these people are actually not living their life. These people are trying not to die and we call this “Mission Impossible”. Nobody can escape from dying, escape from death and based on this reality we should live not for our security but to live to create the future of our lives, for your life, for the world.

What can be most helpful to create the future is to determine what the future will be. Determine is to include the image of “how it will be” and this includes the feeling of when your wish is realised. What is most important is how much you can keep this feeling. 

For one who is strongly trapped into the physical world it is difficult to create the feeling of when the wish is realised because it is not happening yet. The wish is yet to be realised so they think “why do we have to feel happy about it”. But actually what comes first is the feeling,………..…………

Always an unknown door is opened depending on how you knock on the door. 

There is some mystical power that exists in this universe, in this world, in your life. Please be aware of this magical existence. That magical existence is always trying to stimulate your awareness. Let’s have more curiosity about the secrets, the magic of life and the world.…………”

Please listen to the full talk below. Thank you

“Magical Tricks of the Universe”

Hope Warriors Dharma Talk

How to Change your Life

“……..even though the past may be negative, how you react can be  driven by yourself. To have the strength of the heart not to protect the past  trauma is not easy but even so determine and create a new pattern of your  actions, for example, just decide that you are going to spend one hour of your day, on something. You may decide for example to go to the gym or do the practice of the prayers and mantra chanting. Whatever you decide, if you determine and then if you can keep repeating the new pattern, repeatedly create the new pattern of your life and spend one hour on it, then you will start having the strength to overcome the karma.  

This continuation will change your life but it is difficult to continue for one  hour everyday. Do you know why continuing something is most difficult for humans?  The difficulty is because you get bored of repeatedly doing the same thing everyday, and this means that if you don’t start making it deeper you can’t  continue. But as long as you continue with your iron will there is no other choice but for your infinite potential to be awakened and make your action  much brighter……………

When you have a new custom in your life your existence changes and your  strength is trained. This brightness of the heart creates new encounters  with other people and when your existence has changed by your new  custom then your life will change …………….. 

Some say that it is a genius that can continuously make an effort for something, this means that if you continuously do something it will create a genius,  whether you want to be a genius or not. Anyway start doing something, decide on something to do, a new thing for your life. Decide, determine what to do everyday for one hour………..” 

Please listen to the full talk below. Thank you.

“How to Change your Life”

Hope Warriors Dharma Talk

Gain Freedom of the Heart

“In the Heart Sutra there are the words Shin-Mu-Kei-Ge which means that nothing bothers you in the heart. If nothing bothers you in the heart, how free you can feel. If nothing bothers you in the heart, you can feel much more at peace. To awaken to this state you need to realise the true reality of the universe.……………..

If you be responsible to your own life, the ocean which is the Great Spirit will dwell in you. One aspect of the Great Spirit is transparency, nothing bothers, nothing disturbs because it is transparent and it is the light itself. It has strong power to transform all negativity to light…………..”

Please listen to the full talk below. Thank you.

“Gain Freedom of the Heart”

Hope Warriors Dharma Talk-For one who suffers in life

Some seasons in life, you suffer. Sometimes, you have a reason for suffering, and sometimes you don’t. Either you have a reason or not have a reason. Anyway, don’t blame yourself, also don’t victimize yourself. 

If you blame yourself, I know that sometimes you want to blame yourself, but there is no right to blame, also when you victimize yourself, you start to get angry. This is not the point of the cause of the suffering. Suffering comes not from yourself. As all the potential in you does not come from you, all the suffering also doesn’t come from you.……………………

The suffering comes from the suffering of all beings. When you feel or you receive suffering,  it is your chance to find the light deep inside of yourself. The light is the potential that all the suffering will be transformed to the light. All the suffering will transform to the light and all the suffering will transform to the Great Love.………………”

Please listen to the full talk below. Thank you.

“For One who Suffers in Life”

Hope Warriors Dharma Talk

What Creates your Destiny is your Ki energy

The fortunate or lucky  phenomena will happen depending on what kind of energy you are  extending to the world. Is your energy making other people  comfortable, or cold, bored or excited? Depending on what kind of  energy you are extending to the world is actually your fortune………..  

Either good fortune or karma, all are Ki energy transformed as a phenomena. What kind of Ki energy you are extending is what your attention will be focused to. If your attention is focused on something that makes you feel comfortable, or something  that you can rely on, it doesn’t give you good fortune. This is because  God or Buddha will not be dwelling in you. But if you focus your  attention towards what needs to be healed, that person that needs to be healed, and  strongly connect, then they will be happy. You will have extended energy to make them happy”. 

Please listen to the full talk below. Thank you.

“What Creates your Destiny is your Ki Energy”

Hope Warriors Dharma Talk

How to Make your Wish Realisation Easier

What is important to realise your wish, to create the phenomenon from your image for your future life, is that there is no division between your self and the world. It is easier for you to realise your wish if you and the world are unified, because if you are unified with the world you are much less tense and more peaceful……………… 

…..if you are unified with the world how can you be tense because the world is in your heart.

What is happening in your heart, is what is happening in the world and you are much more peaceful. You feel much more that the world is on your side so it is much easier, with this state of the heart it is much easier to realise your wish, to create the phenomenon, to follow your image. So, how is it possible to open this state in your heart? First it is about your attitude in life, to life. It is about how you treat other people, how you treat the world.…………..”

Please listen to the full talk below. Thank you.

“How to Make your Wish Realisation Easier”

Hope Warriors Dharma Talk

How to  live  your life in a more creative way.

“How to make your life creative?

When your playful heart explores, it springs out from you and as it explores you can live creatively. All creations were made from the explosion of the playful heart. 

Then, how does the playful heart spring out from you? Yes, when you chant a mantra with the heart of praising God or Buddha your playful heart will be stimulated and start to open.This playful heart breaks through your limitations.

There is no limitation in life. But sometimes the limitation happens. Who created the limitation? No one, but yourself. Only you yourself has the power, either you create a  limit or you explore the infinitive potential. ………

It comes from praise. Actually, Praise and joy go back and forth.

If you chant repeatedly the mantra with a heart of praise, God or Buddha and so on, with praise, joy starts to spring out as a result. Because joy is the heart of God or Buddha and it’s a source of existence.

The key is praise, and this joyful heart, playful heart starts to be opened and starts to spring out.

When the playful heart with joy starts to spring out you start to do the action,to share to create the new world and to create your new life to share this joy with others.

And the more you share this joy of the playful heart with others, the more your joy increases. And this is one of the most important aspects of the body sensation of enlightenment”.

Please listen to the full talk below. Thank you.

“How to live in a more creative way”

Hope Warriors Dharma Talk

Cry for Others

Did you realise that you have been carrying pain in your heart since childhood. Yes, we were all sad in our childhood. We all carried some pain and sadness in our heart when we were a child. Many people might forget about this as they grow up but the pain still exists, the heart remembers. What you felt as a child is that you might not be cared for enough, also to see that the world, animals and or other people that they were not cared for enough. 

You especially felt the feelings of others of other people. You used to see the world with a much more caring heart when you were a child. As a child with a caring heart, to see that people’s feelings were not cared for enough was painful for you. Also to see people who didn’t care about the feelings of others was painful for you. ……………….

Those who are clearly awakened to this pain look for enlightenment, because this is the only way to be relieved from the pain and sadness. Not only to seek enlightenment but also to look for a way to express their feeling, to share with others, to start to work for other people, and to take care of other people who have the pain of the heart. …………….

To heal others brings healing to yourself. Yes, to give healing to others is the most effective way to heal the pain that you have been carrying since childhood. It is written in one of the Buddhist’s Sutras, which is called the Lotus Sutra, that “because of this sadness in my heart I start to awaken to Enlightenment” …………….”

Please listen to the full talk below. Thank you.

“Cry for Others”