Hope Warriors Dharma Talk

All you need is to Trust the Great Spirit for Good Fortune

Listen to the voice that is whispering to your subconscious like a wave of the ocean. Listen to this voice, the voice is whispering and exists behind your consciousness. The Great Spirit exists and is supporting your life and your future, quietly and secretly but gently with so much care. The Great Spirit is all the time with you and whispering to your subconscious. So what is the Great Spirit whispering? It is “trust me, trust love, trust care”.…………”

“you are the writer of the scenario of life”, trust this ability. Once you trust your potential you will start awakening, but this this has to be awakened with joy. So, how does this joyfulness spring out from you? It is easy. Once you start sharing any joy with others you will be awakened to the fact that joy is a source of existence…………”

Please listen to the full talk below. Thank you

“All you Need is to Trust the Great Spirit for Good Fortune”

Hope Warriors Dharma Talk

Our Mission is to Create a New Future for the Planet

“What is the true reality of the world? Our touch sense, eye sense, ear sense, smell sense and taste sense, all of these five senses are the way to recognise the world and we usually believe that the world is concrete and it is an objective existence. We believe that we are just getting information about the world from these five senses and this is how we recognise the world. But actually it is not like that………”

“………….what wisdom appears is that all touch sense and the recognition of the world is also the projection of your subconsciousness, which is called Alaya conscious, or  8th conscious, in Buddhism. This is not understanding from your head conscious, it is from your body sensation and you realise that the world is like a mirror, a mirror of your subconsciousness……”

Please listen to the full talk below. Thank you

“Our Mission is to Create a New Future for the Planet”

Hope Warriors Dharma Talk

How to Create a Joyful Future

The joyful future is created by a playful heart, not something serious, not something of an attitude of a boring adult. Look at all the creations, art works and inventions, they were done by the playful heart. Creation always comes from the playful heart which we call Yu-shin in Japanese. This heart is like a child, expecting excitement from the future and really excited about what is going to happen. Looking at the future like that, and you clearly had this in your childhood, looking forward to tomorrow, looking forward to what you are going to play.

So, how to regain this playful heart is to wish for the good future for yourself and others. If you wish for others then automatically you are wishing for yourself. If your wishes are strong you believe it, and there is no other option in your subconscious, no space accept to enjoy the good future even before it happens.

Please listen to the full talk below. Thank you

“How to Create a Joyful Future”

Hope Warriors Dharma Talk

Body and Heart melted away by Great Love

Once you experience the real existence of the Great Love of the Great Spirit of the Universe, you no longer feel that your breath is individual because the breathing is not done by your body, I mean your physical body. You will be awakened to a much bigger body, which is even bigger than the earth, and slightly bigger that the atmosphere. This body is called the Buddha Nature Body. 

When you experience the Great Love you will no longer recognise the world as something divided from yourself or separated from yourself and your body and or your heart, and the world will be melted. How can this happen?  Well as long as you don’t accept others into your heart this will not happen. You have to regain the heart of the child……………

Be responsible for the happiness of all beings and keep praying, chanting and practicing for that. Share the Great Love, share the happiness. If you be responsible to this then as a result the Great Love appears within you. When the Great Love appears your heart and body will start to melt by the Great Love, warmth of the Great Love. When this happens all your sadness, all your pleasures, all your feelings just become warm. Then you will understand in that moment, that all the sad experiences in the past, since childhood, were so that you can empathise with other people’s pain, to care about others, to develop your heart for caring for others. All this is  because human beings are only able to to understand other’s pain through their own pain. 

Please listen to the full talk below. Thank you

“Body and Heart melted by Great Love”

Hope Warriors Dharma Talk-Infinite Treasures are Hidden in Life, also in the World

“So many people are not awakened to their infinite potential, it is hidden in each person’s subconsciousness. So, why are people not awakened to their infinite unlimited potential? One reason is because they just don’t believe it……

What you believe for yourself and what you belief for others is equal. What you wish for others is equal to what you wish for yourself. The two subconsciousness are equal so don’t be stingy. Even with a little bit of action for giving your potential will be awakened. Whatever your potential, whatever your skill, whatever your knowledge, share it and your potential will be awakened and increases.…..”

Please listen to the full talk below. Thank you

“Infinite Treasure Treasures are Hidden in Life, also in the World”

Hope Warriors Dharma Talk

“Comfortably Numb with the Great Spirit”

What we usually think as happiness, actually is not so pleasant. For example, we think that we will be happy if we eat or when we eat a gorgeous meal. We think we will be happy if or when we win the lottery and get a lot of money or something. He or she will be happy if they get a boy or girl friend, get married, get a promotion, whatever.  People think that this is happiness, but this kind of duality happiness is based on the opposites, on the opposite situation. 

So this means that to feel happy about eating is only based on hunger, being hungry or starving. When someone who is starving eats food they of course feel happy but if someone is already full then they don’t feel happy to eat more. After the promotion etc. once you get used to the situation you don’t feel happy anymore. Whatever the situation to make a human being happy is based on the opposite situation, hunger, loneliness, poverty, these negative situations. People fell happy when these negative situations are turned around. This isn’t the real meaning of happiness.

True Happiness is beyond duality. And where does that come from? But first, let me say that I am not denying or rejecting to enjoy these happiness of duality, it is good for life but it is a pity if one doesn’t discover the True Happiness or True Joy beyond the duality. One example of non -duality joy is from one of the body sensations of enlightenment.  

There are four kinds of body sensation of enlightenment  and one of them is called “Majestic Power Enlightenment”. This springs out from the source of existence and when this happens you start to feel each one of the cells of your body vibrating comfortably,……..”

Please listen to the full talk below. Thank you

“Comfortably Numb with the Great Spirit”

Hope Warriors Dharma Talk

What is the Most Important Spiritual Awakening”

“There is no present in what you recognise, it is all the result of the past and what you planted as a seed in your Alaya conscious and when the seed grows it will come up to the phenomenon”………….

Human beings have, you have, a huge potential, deep inside, deep inside of yourself is the Great Spirit. Deep inside of yourself you have the same ability as the Great Spirit of the Universe, which is that you can create the world by your image. This is the most important thing, to awaken to live life as a human being”…….. 

Please listen to the full talk below. Thank you

“What is the Most Important Spiritual Awakening”

Hope Warriors Dharma Talk

All the Universe is on your side

“Yes, body sensation is Wisdom, but how to awaken people to this body sensation, where does it come from? As I have said before, this comes from the non-duality world, which is the Great Spirit of the Universe”. ……….

Devote yourself in the practice.And what is practice? Yes practice has to be based on the desire that you want to benefit the world”.……….

Benefit All . This is the purpose of the practice and based on this attitude, based on this desire, based on this practice, the body sensation of Wisdom will be awakened.

You will fit to the Universe. If you are fitting to the Universe who can go against you? You will find that nobody can go against you except yourself”.

All the Universe is on your side”.

Please listen to the full talk below. Thank you

“All the Universe is on your side”

Hope Warriors Dharma Talk

“Wisdom is Body Sensation”

Wisdom is not something that comes from your head, It is not not the consciousness, it is more like a body sense”………..

“Don’t think that body sensation is a touch sense. Touch sense is one of the shallow ways of recognising the world. We have a much deeper sensation”…

Please listen to the full talk below. Thank you

“Wisdom is Body Sensation”

Sue’s Dharma Talks now changed to Hope Warriors Dharma Talk

Please note the change in this page’s name. The reason for this is that more people will be reading the Dharma Talks of Ryokyu Endo. You will be able to hear the voices of various nationalities, many accents and languages but all of the same voice of hope.

Please watch and listen and we will let you into many secrets including the meaning of the picture above which is the Flame of Hope.