Hope Warriors Dharma Talk

Talk 13 ” Awaken to the Wisdom of Emptiness

“When you are awakened to the Wisdom of Emptiness you will recognise the five elements of the world as emptiness, which means you have the freedom to create the phenomenon. You are no longer a slave of the world. You will be the master of the world. Gain the freedom, that is the meaning of being master of the world……….”

“Actually all human beings have a mission to be born a human being and are able to awaken to the wisdom compared to other animals, and only human beings are able to share this with other human beings…………”

Please listen to the full talk below. Thank you

“Awaken to the Wisdom of Emptiness”

Hope Warriors Dharma Talk-Be King of the World

“True Reality of the world or True Reality of life, is that we have, we are, the potential to create the future to create the world, because the world depends on our image, on our action. Why is it that human beings easily drop into the illusion that the world can not be changed? 

There is a duality between heart and materials, subject and object. Because if we think that we are powerless to the world then we don’t have to be responsible to what is happening to or in the world. But actually this is not so. Heart and materials, heart and the world are equal. Actually yourself, myself, ourselves are not material. 

The world is yourself, your heart is the world, the world is your heart. This means that you are responsible to what is happening in the world, responsible to/ for your future. You are not a victim of the world. You are not a slave of the future. You are the main character of your life, the main character of the world. 

You are the King of the world. Determine and wish the very very best.”

Please listen to the full talk below. Thank you

“Be King of the World”

Hope Warriors Dharma Talk

Talk 10 Heart Sutra 8 “What is the Real Meditative State?”

When people hear “meditative state” they usually think that it is sitting and meditating, but actually it is much more important to be in the meditative state in daily life.

So, is it possible to be in a meditative state in daily life? Actually, Yes. It doesn’t matter what ever you do, you will be able to gain the switch that at any moment you will be in a state of emptiness or mediative state and adapt to the phenomena. 

The real meditative state is not some kind of out of daily life experience, because daily life, what ever you may think, is just an illusion. True reality is beyond that and you have to be able to control the daily life from the Emptiness or the Great Spirit’s point of view. This is what you can really call the Samadhi, the Dhyana, the meditative state, and actually this is the Wisdom.

Please listen to the full Dharma talk below

Heart Sutra 8 ” What is the Real Meditative State?”

Hope Warriors Dharma Talk

Talk 8 Heart Sutra 7 “Open the Treasure in your Heart and Live with Wisdom”

“Don’t get caught by the past. Do you know what this means? We usually think that the present is what you are recognising, what you are imagining, what you are thinking. But basically it is all the past”.

Usually people are caught by the past and repeatedly project their past consciously to the future, and that is how people usually recognise the present.…….

“The future is what you need to create. The future is emptiness. Emptiness means that if you have the freedom by not being caught by the past image, the past concept, then the future is that which you can create, whatever you wish to”. 

Please listen to the full talk below

Heart Sutra 7 “Open the Treasure in your Heart and Live with Wisdom”

Hope Warriors Dharma Talk

Talk 6 Heart Sutra 6 “Let’s open the True Reality”

Actually the world itself is yourself. You are living in your world which is a reflection of your state, a reflection of your heart, a reflection of your imagination”……………”See the Universe from the point of view of all beings from Hell to Pure Land”

Please listen to the short Dharma talk below. I first listened to this when it was given by my teacher and with his permission I have given my own reading below. I take full responsibility for any mistakes etc. May the heart and spirit of this talk enter your heart. Wishing you happiness and joy.

Heart Sutra 6 “Let’s open the True Reality”

Hope Warriors Dharma Talk

Talk 5 Heart Sutra 5 “Open the door to Enlightenment”

“I can not be happy until the whole world is happy”……….”The world will not be a happy place to live unless all people be responsible for the happiness of others“.

Please listen to the short Dharma talk below. I first listened to this when it was given by my teacher and with his permission I have given my own reading below. I take full responsibility for any mistakes etc. May the heart and spirit of this talk enter your heart. Wishing you happiness and joy.

Heart Sutra 5 “Open the door to Enlightenment”

Hope Warriors Dharma Talk

Talk 4 Heart Sutra 4 “Enlightenment is True Reality”

We have such an illusion that to give to others means that you are losing something. We are totally trapped in this fear”…………“Enlightenment is a mission as a human being. Unhappiness is not a mission of human beings”

Please listen to the short Dharma talk below. I first listened to this when it was given by my teacher and with his permission I have given my own reading below. I take full responsibility for any mistakes etc. May the heart and spirit of this talk enter your heart. Wishing you happiness and joy.

Heart Sutra 4 “Enlightenment is True Reality”

Hope Warriors Dharma Talk

In the previous talks Sensei taught us about the meaning of the title of the Heart Sutra “Maka Hannya Haramita Shingyo“, now we will examine the content of this Sutra starting with “Kan Ji Zai Bosa”

Talk 3 Heart Sutra 3 “Kan Ji Zai Bosa”

Let’s devote ourselves to let all beings live a meaningful life”.

Please listen to the short Dharma talk below. I first listened to this when it was given by my teacher and with his permission I have given my own reading below. I take full responsibility for any mistakes etc. May the heart and spirit of this talk enter your heart. Wishing you happiness and joy.

Heart Sutra 3 “Kan Ji Zai Boșa”

Hope Warriors Dharma Talk

I would like to regularly share Dharma talks previously given by Ryokyu Endo my Buddhist and Shiatsu teacher. The reason for this is that I would like as many people as possible to hear these words which will for sure touch your heart and open the gate to happiness and a bright future. Thank you

Talk 1 Heart Sutra 1 “Maka”

The Wisdom of Maka is to live in a world of non comparison, no duality. This means that there is no self and others. You feel other’s feelings as your own. You feel that the other person’s subconscious is your own subconsciousness. So how to awaken to this wisdom?

Please listen to the short Dharma talk below. I first listened to this when it was given by my teacher and with his permission I have given my own reading below. I take full responsibility for any mistakes etc. May the heart and spirit of this talk enter your heart. Wishing you happiness and joy.

Heart Sutra1″Maka”

Talk 2 Heart Sutra 2 “Hannya Haramita”

What is Wisdom? ………One explanation of wisdom can be the “heart of flexibility”……….Another is emptiness………..Our practice as a human being is how much we can transform the past, or in another word how much we can change our Karma.

To find out more please listen to the short Dharma talk below. I first listened to this when it was given by my teacher and with his permission I have given my own reading below. I take full responsibility for any mistakes etc. May the heart and spirit of this talk enter your heart. Wishing you happiness and joy.

Heart Sutra2 “Hannya Haramita”

Let’s Listen to the Heart Sutra.

I thought that it might be a nice idea to listen to the beautiful sound of the Heart Sutra. This recording is in Japanese and was recorded in Kyoto.

Heart Sutra in Japanese