Hope Warriors Dharma Talk-Wisdom leads you to the Right Direction of your Life (Amitayus Sutra 48)

……wisdom is the recognition of the subconsciousness of oneself, because the deepest level of subconsciousness includes everything, including the internal Great Spirit of the Universe. Everything is inside the subconsciousness, even  all the karma of all beings is in the subconsciousness. It’s only how deep the depth.

It’s just like if you dig the earth: in the beginning it’s mud , but deep inside it’s going to  be different. Treasure hunters dig very deep holes and finally find the treasure. Note that on the way to the treasure they have to take out a lot of mud. That is the same as what happens in the practice.

.. wisdom is not knowledge. It’s not something you know, wisdom is the sensitivity to the subconsciousness, and it is not only being sensitive and to recognise it but also you will be able to verbalise it.….

.. wisdom will do the right thing. And wisdom will take you to the right direction in life, and so to the right direction in the practice on the way to reach Samadhi. …….”

Please, listen the full talk below. Thank you

“Wisdom leads you to the Right Direction of your Life (Amitayus Sutra 48)”

Hope Warriors Dharma Talk- The Light will Emanate from your Existence. Amitayus Sutra 50

The Light will Emanate from your Existence. Amitayus Sutra 50
“…So as every small or even tiny wave appears and disappears, again and again, so is karma, so are attachments and anger, too. However, the whole ocean is always calm, the whole ocean is always at peace, and the whole ocean is silent. That’s why it says that one of the heroes of human beings, the child of the lion, is one of the ways to praise the Buddha’s behaviour.  

….All this happens by continuously blowing out negativity in your practice: the karma that tries to stop your concentration in practice, the karma that tries to put down your ambition, the karma trying to seduce you to live with ego, just like everybody else  is living . But those temptations are a one way ticket to an unhappy place. There are so many misunderstandings in society but people believe them because other people are doing it that way. However, open your eyes to be wise:  the direction to the light is always beyond the darkness.

May you, every moment, blow out the darkness of the ego and let the light emanate  from your existence to illuminate the world, people around you and also for your future life and of course for your present life as well…”

Please, listen to the full talk below. Thank you

Music and text by Ryokyu Endo

Voice by Belén Rodilla Celestino

Hope Warriors Dharma Talk-Meditative state in daily life Amitayus Sutra 47

Meditative state in daily life. Amitayus Sutra 47

That is the bottom line: to be a giver, to be a Bodhisattva who wishes to rescue all beings, to give happiness to all beings, and disappear oneself, I mean disappear the ego. This is the  bottom line which is based on this attitude: you need to be in this state and based on this state a visualisation of the Budhha image would be a strong tool to receive the unification with the Great Spirit of the Universe. 

Samadhi happens by totally accepting the external world into your own heart, which means it’s a strong passion to give to others, to let others receive the Great Love of the Great Spirit of the Universe. Samadhi itself happens by the transference of the Great Love of the Great Spirit of the Universe. But the result will come later in daily life. 

And while you are  practising it needs  a strong concentration of accepting and praying for the happiness and rescue of all sentient beings. As your ego and karma will be transformed to the Great Love, to the Light,  the amount of the unification with the Great spirit of the Universe is equal to the amount of the happiness which will be produced in your heart, and that create the internal light which will be also be manifested in your external life.”

Please, listen to the Full Dharma below. Thank you

Hope Warriors Dharma Talk-How to Unify with the Great Spirit of the Universe (Amitayus Sutra 46)

“…… to unify with the Great Spirit of the Universe you really need the state of the heart of infinitive development. Well as a way of living and also as a way of practice because the Universe itself is the Great Spirit of the infinitive development…..

 ..this  state of the heart and the Universe is only two ways: either infinite development or just going down.  The spirit increases or decreases, there’s no middle,there’s no emptiness ,there’s no flat existence  in the Universe. It’s a coin, back and forth. And this is one of the secrets of the Universe, a very interesting part. And this is related to how you’ll be able to be in a state of infinitive development.………”

Please, listen the full talk below. Thank you

“How to Unify with the Great Spirit of the Universe. (Amitayus Sutra 46)”

Hope Warriors Dharma Talk-Human beings Gained the Fire, by Stealing it from God (Amitayus Sutra 45)


“…..The word “listen”, “Mon”  ()is the Chinese character for a gate, and puts ears into it. So try to listen to what is next to the gate. The gate is closed and you’ll not be able to enter so you put your ears at the gate and you listen to it. What does the “beyond the gate” sound like? What is the sound of what is happening there? Is there any voice of what is happening there? This is actually the spirit of listening. 

Beyond the word there is  the subconsciousness and you try to understand the subconsciousness of the person in front of you, so you sincerely listen to them . ……..

When you listen you need two aspects in your spirit. One is to listen without any previous concept or any previous judgement. ……. If you cannot listen to other people’s words then  how can you listen to the words of the Great Spirit of the Universe? 

.…..and always listen to what good things can happen in the future. This is the real meaning of listening, this is the meaning of accepting others.
 “Accepting others” means accepting the bright future of others: your determination for the good future of yourself and others. …….

Please, listen the full talk below. Thank you

“Human beings gained the fire by stealing it from God. (Amitayus 45)

Hope Warriors Dharma Talk-Your ego can be a Treasure of the World, but How? Amitayus Sutra 44

Your ego can be a Treasure of the World, but How? Amitayus Sutra 44

“This is all an ongoing process and the amount of light is related  to how much you oppress the ego, which means how much you recognise your ego within your subconscious. Actually there’s no difference in the  amount of ego that each person has, it’s just a matter of how much you are digging it, how much you are recognizing it. And the amount of unacknowledged ego is the amount of ego that sprouts.

May you recognise your subconscious and realize that to transform all those shadows into light is to let all the treasures inside yourself spring out and spread into to the world and it will be a treasure for the world.”

Please listen to the full Dharma below. Thank you

Music and text by Ryokyu Endo

Voice by Belén Rodilla Celestino

Hope Warriors Dharma Talk-How will Wisdom be awakened? Amitayus Sutra 41

How will Wisdom be awakened? Amitayus Sutra 41

Teaching is the truth of the Universe, the principle of the Universe to make people happier, to make people awaken to the truth or make people bring the people’s bright future. These are  the teachings, these have to be the teachings. And if you’re responsible not only for yourself but also for other people’s future you should be responsible to the teachings of the Dharma, because the purpose of the Dharma is to bring the people’s bright future. And believe it or not, once you clearly accept your responsibility to spread the teachings of the truths of the Universe, the Great Spirit of the Universe will dwell in you and your wisdom will start to be awakened. 
May you awaken to this wisdom and brighten this planet for all the generations, all the past ancestors and may your life be fulfilled with Light and Great Love.

Please listen to the full Dharma below. Thank you

Music and text by Ryokyu Endo

Voice by Belen Rodilla Celestino

Hope Warriors Dharma talks-Let Energy of Wish Realisation Spring Out from You (Amitayus Sutra 35)

 “…. commonly merit means you will be able to gain something, just like one way. It is a customer-mentality so people can easily accept “if I do this, I will get this merit”; “if I practise for one hour, I get this merit”. It’s a customer-mentality of merchandise.  

But the real meaning of Kudoku ( merit ) is that the energy is springing out from you, the positive energy of the fortune, of the creation, energy of the light to purify the negative karma and negative spirit, all those energies spring out from you, spreading and affecting  the world and other people. This is the meaning of Kudoku, this is the merit, and that merit is so strong. ….”

Please, listen the full talk below. Thank you

Hope Warriors Dharma Talk-Be an existence of Dignity and Celestial enough to praise others. Amitayus Sutra 40

Be an existence of Dignity and Celestial enough to praise others. Amitayus Sutra 40

”…You gotta be like a child, and whenever you feel you are moved or impressed by something or happy about it, then praise it, especially to people. Be interested in the potential of other people, anything you find in other people’ potential is inside your heart, inside your existence. I mean actually your true self is the Great Spirit of the Universe, therefore you have everything inside. When you find a good point in other people, that good point is in your heart, your subconscious, which is on the way to be awakened or already awakened. People only see the same aspects of oneself in other people. If you see another person’s negative point then for sure you have the same negative point in your subconsciousness, whether you recognize it or not,  whether you are realising it or not, and even if you are realising it and holding it, not letting it come out – either way it is in your heart.”

Please, listen the full talk below. Thank you

Music and text by Ryokyu Endo

Voice by Belén Rodilla Celestino

Hope Warriors Dharma Talk-The World will be in your Hands (Amitayus Sutra 42)

“……..bringing beings to enlightenment by sound. Sound is made by vibrations of the air, or by changing the vibrations of water and 70% of the human body is made of water. Sound affects our existence, our health and even our emotions as you can experience in daily life how music changes your feelings. A movie without music must have a very different image than the one we have with music. And these three  (Voice of the Phoenix, Roar of the Lion, Cry of the Dragon)  are symbolising how the sound changes our subconsciousness…..

It seems like going into the serious practice of spirituality  sounds a bit like leaving this world or dropping out from society, and at the beginning it is but in the end the world will follow you.  THe world will follow you because spirit is the base of everything. If you are receiving unification with the Great Spirit of the Universe and if you have a good relationship with the Great Spirit of the Universe, the world is in your hands. …….” 

Please, listen the full talk below. Thank you

“The World will be in your Hands (Amitayus 429 “