Hope Warriors Dharma Talk-Meditative state in daily life Amitayus Sutra 47

Meditative state in daily life. Amitayus Sutra 47

That is the bottom line: to be a giver, to be a Bodhisattva who wishes to rescue all beings, to give happiness to all beings, and disappear oneself, I mean disappear the ego. This is the  bottom line which is based on this attitude: you need to be in this state and based on this state a visualisation of the Budhha image would be a strong tool to receive the unification with the Great Spirit of the Universe. 

Samadhi happens by totally accepting the external world into your own heart, which means it’s a strong passion to give to others, to let others receive the Great Love of the Great Spirit of the Universe. Samadhi itself happens by the transference of the Great Love of the Great Spirit of the Universe. But the result will come later in daily life. 

And while you are  practising it needs  a strong concentration of accepting and praying for the happiness and rescue of all sentient beings. As your ego and karma will be transformed to the Great Love, to the Light,  the amount of the unification with the Great spirit of the Universe is equal to the amount of the happiness which will be produced in your heart, and that create the internal light which will be also be manifested in your external life.”

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