Hope Warriors Dharma Talk-Be an existence of Dignity and Celestial enough to praise others. Amitayus Sutra 40

Be an existence of Dignity and Celestial enough to praise others. Amitayus Sutra 40

”…You gotta be like a child, and whenever you feel you are moved or impressed by something or happy about it, then praise it, especially to people. Be interested in the potential of other people, anything you find in other people’ potential is inside your heart, inside your existence. I mean actually your true self is the Great Spirit of the Universe, therefore you have everything inside. When you find a good point in other people, that good point is in your heart, your subconscious, which is on the way to be awakened or already awakened. People only see the same aspects of oneself in other people. If you see another person’s negative point then for sure you have the same negative point in your subconsciousness, whether you recognize it or not,  whether you are realising it or not, and even if you are realising it and holding it, not letting it come out – either way it is in your heart.”

Please, listen the full talk below. Thank you

Music and text by Ryokyu Endo

Voice by Belén Rodilla Celestino

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